Welcome to Houston Uncorked!

While I do love a good grape, I am by no means a connoisseur. Not yet anyway. I realized that there was no place I could find online that really catered to someone like me… an amateur just trying to find her way through the vines. This blog will be a resource for anyone like me who is looking for information and opinions about all things wine and vine related. Although I am in Houston and will be giving my two cents about local wine spots, there will be good information on here for anyone who loves wine the way that I do. Thank you for stopping by and please leave me your comments so I can make this “winesite” a go to place for anyone with a thirst as voracious as mine!

Happy Toasting!
Mandee Willey                                                                            Mandee

17 Responses to “About Houston Uncorked”

  1. Kaleb Says:

    Hey Mandee,

    Kim mentioned your website/blog. Sounds fun! I own Cork Cafe Wine & Coffee out in Cypress and we are trying to coordinate something with Pretty Pink Limos to get them off to a great start! I just wanted to drop a line and let you know that I checked it out! Good luck and let me know if you ever make it out this direction!



  2. Michelle Hillman Says:

    Hey Mandee! What a cool website! Love what you’re doing here and I’ll be sure to check-in from time to time! Go Blondes! 🙂


  3. Very cool blog, Mandee.

  4. Jesus Says:

    Mandee,I really like your website,let’s keep im touch………………………….Jesus

  5. Hi Mandee, just stumbled across your blog which I find very interesting. We need more wine drinkers voices on the net as a balance to the experts. I’ll drop bye in the future.

  6. Ikal 1150 Says:

    Hi Mandee,
    Please let us know when you’re ready to start tasting again.

  7. Mandee Says:

    Ikal 1150, I’m ready! Bring it on! Look forward to hearing from you soon!


  8. Mandee, I work for a fabulous new winery in the Houston Heights and I wanted to invite you out for a tour and a tasting. Let me know if you would be interested. I can be reached at 713-880-3794.

    Wine regards,

    1. Mandee Says:

      Shannon, that sounds fabulous!! I would love to come check things out! Thank you so much for the invite!

      1. Cool beans! When would you like to come by?


  9. Mandee, just checking in. Would you still like to come by for a tour and a tasting?


    1. Mandee Says:

      Yes! Sorry the little one has been keeping me busy! Can we schedule for some time after Easter? Can my husband come with me maybe on a Saturday? Let me know what works best for you! Thanks so much!

      1. Mandee, you can absolutely bring your husband, and your baby, too, if you like. We even accept friends! How about this Saturday, the 10th? Would you mind emailing me direct at shannon@vintnersown.com?

        wine regards!

  10. Tim Ragan Says:

    Mandee, I stumbled upon your site and bookmarked it for regular visits. I enjoy your writing. I too am a beginner and have really begun to enjoy the process. Keep it up because I need all the help I can get.

  11. Hi Mandee,
    LOVE THE BLOG! Great to find you. I am not a connoisseur, but love a great wine. I am learning as I have time to listen…mostly just love the taste and enjoy is immensely with great food and we have wonderful food options in the Cy-Fair area! ChEeRs! Andrea

  12. Lynne Singerman Says:

    Have you been to Nos Caves Vin? Would you like to go to a wine tasting there. I can arrange a visit or an invitation to an event. Lynne

  13. I was pretty delighted to find this website on google.I had to say thank you so much to you with regard to this wonderful blog post.

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